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 Belief in Almighty God (1)

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Nombre de messages : 65
Age : 36
Localisation : setif
Emploi/loisirs/études : etudient
Humeur/caractèr : rien a dire
Réputation : 1
Points : 12080
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2008

Belief in Almighty God (1) Empty
MessageSujet: Belief in Almighty God (1)   Belief in Almighty God (1) Icon_minitimeVen 19 Déc - 13:27

So long as the three principal religions
have emanated from God, why should differences appear as to the essence of God
among their adherents? Why should a
Christian or a Jew be required to abandon his religion and adopt Islam?

Answer 01: There is no doubt that the three religions
acknowledge one source, God. They all
agree as to the uniquness, the absolute omniscience and omnipresence of God, to
the exclusion of any parallel power to be worshipped. All agree as to attributing to God all
perfection and excluding all defects and blemishes. Whatever differences may appear is sporadic
extraneous, accretious developing over the ages from distortions interpolated
by members of both Judaism and Christianity.
Herein came differences as to the essence of God. The difference, therefore, is between Islam,
which God entrusted His prophet with, and other religions which have been
distorted and adulterated. The
difference is not between authentic religions, rather, it is between a true
religion and others that have been invalidated and turned away. The latter category has been manipulated by
vicious hands which misdirected them.

When we call upon a Jew or Christian to discard his/her religion
and adopt Islam, we are in reality asking him/her to revert to the true
religion which has been preached by all prophets. Should an impartial thinker consider Islam in
relation to other religions, he/she is bound to acknowledge the radical
difference between both categories.
He/she is likely to find in the former the truth and monotheism, while
the latter would reveal innovations and polytheism. Moreover, Islam advocates justice and
tolerance, while the others imply racism and discrimination. In the one there are moral commitment and
decency; in the other, disintegration and corruption.

What is the penultimate reason behind the
creation of man? Does God need man’s

Answer 02: Man has been created in order to worship
God: “And I (God) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should
worship me (alone)” (Holy Qur’an: 51: 56).
The Primary incumbency on man is to know God through His oneness, and
thence to worship Him truly. Secondly,
man is required to act his role as God’s vicegerent on earth, so as to enjoy
bliss both here and hereafter. Indeed,
his/her need to acknowledge the supremacy of God exceeds his/her need and
drink: “O mankind! It is you who stand
in need of God. But God is rich, worthy
of all praise” (Holy Qur’an: 35: 15).

God is above the need for man’s worship. He does not benefit from man’s devotion, nor
would He be adversely affected by man’s blasphemy. From beginning to end the story of man’s
existence on earth, no matter how many are its incidents, is an ordeal, a test,
whether for him/her as an individual or for all humanity. Man’s performance in this test determines
either his praise and reward or reproof and punishment.
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